Is Judge Taylor a good judge?

Publish date: 2024-08-22

Judge John Taylor is the man who appointed Atticus to take the Tom Robinson case. He is a very sensible and fair judge, who appoints Atticus as Robinson’s defender because he knows that Atticus Finch can defend Robinson without bias.Click to see full answer. Simply so, does Judge Taylor takes his job seriously?Judge Taylor in Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird takes his job seriously. He is the only judge in a racist community when a very controversial case crosses his desk. Atticus’s enthusiasm for justice is exactly why Judge Taylor tells him “You’re It.” He knows Tom Robinson has a chance with such a good lawyer.Also, what happens to Judge Taylor in To Kill a Mockingbird? Ewell acquired and then lost a job — fired for laziness; he still cause problems within the town. What happens to Judge Taylor? Judge Taylor is alone in his house when he hears someone at his back door, trying to break in. Correspondingly, does Judge Taylor eat cigars? Scout describes someone who gets to watch Judge Taylor chew his cigar as “lucky.” She talks about the “dead cigar” reappearing as a “flat, slick mess” of tobacco and Taylor’s “digestive juices.” She also asks Atticus how it is that Mrs. Before the cigar appears, the court runs very much by the book.How does Judge Taylor feel about the trial?Judge Taylor appears to be rather old and tired during the trial. As a county judge, he must be careful not to look too interested in the trial, or he might lost his job. He knows this but secretly goes to Atticus and convinces Atticus to defend an unpopular defendant. He knows Atticus will give Tom a fair defense.
